Jeans are preferably casual yet it could be really elegant with a touch of heels and a cute strappy top. It is always fashionable with almost anything because jeans were made to be a basis on an outfit. Models around the world would say jeans should always be worn during fashion week or modelling shoots to symbolize it as the main attire and it is a good choice of a smart wear for models as it brings true attitude and strut on runaways.
As Victoria Becham would say, there's no need to dress much when you can wear your jeans along with a cute top and your ready to go just anywhere.
As a fashion addict, fashion is the class of the classes of women and we love to own the latest fashion must haves, one of them is of course, a pair of jeans and it is one of the top most desirable fashion of all time. Jeans have made a good impact for the fashion industry and how the world of fashion have improve with the various kinds of it.

Unlike any other clothing items, believe it or not jeans were just a clothing item for men who works in heavy contracting or the men who did gold mining as their job.
They needed a material that is soft and easily stretched due to their activities at work. Because of the stretchable texture, designers decides to add pockets on jeans NOT to make it look more fashionable but to add on more help for the men back then.
Surprise? Well not so surprise yet. The word jeans first came from Europe and it is actually a material called jean. In my knowledge, they use jean to make clothes for the sailors back then and it was name jean because of the sailors. Sailors wore them when their off duty. Jean was made from various types of mixture materials and it finally became cotton and it is suitable for the sailors.
Denim on the other hand is actually one of the first French material. It is widely use because it is a strong material and it doesn't get thorn that easily as it is mix with other mixture materials and of course, it became cotton. No jeans are below a 100% cotton. If its not a 100% then, you've been ripped off.
Denim on the other hand is actually one of the first French material. It is widely use because it is a strong material and it doesn't get thorn that easily as it is mix with other mixture materials and of course, it became cotton. No jeans are below a 100% cotton. If its not a 100% then, you've been ripped off.

The famous designers started making their own styles of jeans and creating their own labels as well. The hipsters made designers developed even more jeans with different designs.
Jeans are blue in color because it represents the American Culture. It turned out to be blue when the jean was actually dyed with indigo ink from urban plants in India or America and adding on to more mixture of materials which forms to denim jeans.
Jeans are made to be essential and jeans would be worn for as long as it is created. Many designers are still improving for jeans as it is an attire for every basic purposes on everyone's daily life.
Jeans will always be highly fashioned.
-Jasmin Rayhan-