I am JaszyRay

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Ohhhhhh hohohoooo~ I'm pretty sure after this blog post I will have many people hating on me.

BUT fact is fact and when I mean fact, I really mean that this post has a lot of facts.

Mostly my experience and hopefully most of you would feel the same way as I do too?

Firstly, dearly beloved parents (YES, I do have parents/adults reading my blog, because they tend to be interested to read my blog?). Isn't it weird? NO, because I like having readers of all ages. I am very open when it comes to my blog. Anyways, I'd like to give a little warning that this is an 18 and above (Okay, 16??) blog post because it involves a lot of harsh words and of course, "The BAD Words". So parental guidance needed ----- UNLESS dearly underage people, if you're reading this alone without your parents and yea you get my point anyways. Nobody seems to care about this but I do, SO PRECAUTION!!

So you know, my blog is not that clean and it is very inappropriate sometimes. But I can't help it!

Obviously I'm not going to talk about a fruit (Explains the title? What century are we in, you know?) - I'm talking about the one of the best (so-called-best) smartphone which is maybe mainly for people enjoy talking, chatting, blabber mouth, chatterbox kind of people,

YES people. THE BLACKBERRY. As you know its beauty of BOLD, CURVE, TORCH etc. See, the thing about phones are that there will always be a NEW ONE. BlackBerry is widely use as much as any other smartphones (EXAMPLE: Team Iphones, Anyone?)


421557_215062121924565_172324499531661_368458_1128663448_n_largeI am of course, a BlackBerry user (YAY!!) plus I love using my BlackBerry to tweet because I just have a lot to say every time, I can't keep my mouth shut. Even for minutes? I tweet too damn much sometimes.

My parents always get annoyed with my never ending time with my BlackBerry, Travie. (What? I named my BlackBerry, so? I name all my stuff!) They are just super annoyed, especially my dad. Well, who can blame him.

So the BlackBerry, YES? BlackBerry is mostly popular because of this thing called BlackBerry Messenger a.k.a BBM as we all like to call it.

For some of you who don't know (points at my parents) BlackBerry Messenger is another term of Instant Messaging, answers why nobody wants to sent a regular text message anymore - explains to some of us. Well there's many more types of Instant Messaging, really. Like WhatsApp?  Yes, for ANY smartphone users, we are free to use that application.

There seem to be many types of people using BlackBerry, LIKE stereotypes. I'll be grouping this type of people! Like now, because I think this would be interesting and maybe a good laugh as well. So one of the types of people who use BlackBerry are the people who UPDATE-EVERY-SINGLE-DAY.

As some of us, BBM comes in for you to put your display picture, display name and personal message. Like MSN. So basically every day, most of you would update your display pictures, display names and personal messages ALL the time. I find it alright, its fun isn't it?! Yay to being lifeless! (I'm joking)

Tumblr_m3hr6qfaf31rtfrfyo1_500_largeBBM does have some annoying people as well. Like, people who love to use the "PING". You know how we all have a friend who eats a lot but still looks skinny as hell, we all have a friend who does a lot of trouble. A friend who has big boobs, we all have a friend who is always saying shits.

WE ALL HAVE A FRIEND who enjoys to PING people to death. What is PING? PING is like NUDGE. It just zaps your BlackBerry just so to get your attention DON'T you just want to slap that mother fucker?!

In all days, You'll have this annoying fucker to PING you just OH! Im bored! I have a friend who has this way of making a PING that goes up to 60 seconds and he sends about countless times.
So 60x10= ???? It goes on


*BREATHES* I feel so bad for writing the F words. (NOT really) Okay and I am actually sorry for stereotyping as well. But the thing I hate is that there are some people who use BBM enjoy Most people in abusing THE BROADCAST MESSAGE.

BROADCAST MESSAGE is a message to forward sent to ALL contacts in your bbm. Like an announcement or a warning or basically just broadcasting. When I first got my BlackBerry (TRAVIE) I have no idea what is a BC (broadcast message) and when I know what it is. I broad casted something stupid. Which I thought it was true. Because it was a forward message from someone and I thought of trying this broadcast - thing. The MESSAGE wasn't true. I was a very dumb blonde back then.

I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TOO. I didn't do it on purpose either! But as much as I understand on how to use a BlackBerry (Because for 18 years I'm a Nokia user) I really hate people who uses the BC abusively. BECAUSE ITS FUCKING ANNOYING AND IT BOTHERS ME.

It bothers me a lot especially when it has nothing to do with me. AND they do it on purpose! Like for instance.



WOW thanks for telling. AND THEN MOMENTS LATER!

BC MESSAGE: SORRY EVERYONE! MY friend hacked me! Ugh dumb friend of mine!

OH SLAP THAT FUCKING FRIEND OF YOURS, REALLY. EVEN if you are gay why the fuck would I want to know. FRIENDS/PEOPLE should really not do this shit. BC it to people who doesn't give a crap? Come on, GROW UP.


BC MESSAGE: Hi, This is my friend's bbpin 12345567899 do add him/her.
UHH OKAY? WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT TO ADD A STRANGER? Who I have no intentions to talk too? And who doesn't know me as well? What the hell is wrong with you BC-ING someones BBPIN to strangers?!


BC MESSAGE: Last night, A girl name **** was killed. Nobody could found her body. Since you have read this you need to BC this now before you are cursed.


A week ago, there were a few scum bags in my BlackBerry contacts who were BC-ING many people about this GIRL. Okay, I wouldn't want to put her name here and also I do not know her so why would I tell all of you more about her in here. BUT people tend to say that this girl is a HE. (THE WORLD IS WEIRD ISN'T IT?)

This girl/guy/whatever, "K.A" (the initials of the name - fake name) was being broad casted by god knows how many annoying troll people. They say K.A is a fake and she/he/whatever was pretending to be someone else which is another person. SO the BC kept coming to me like 7 times, I thought whoa. Why do so many people hate this person.

FIRST, I do not know who she/he/whatever is so I don't give a damn. BUT BC-ING nonsense like this is what pisses me off more. IF YOU want to make a statement and your going to spread about it on and on and on. WHY NOT use something else other than a fucking BC? Because it disturbs people and people don't care. Its not an interesting story either!

AND whats with people trying to be someone who they're not? That's cheap. 


I know most people who uses broadcast message to wish everyone GOOD MORNING OR HAVE A GREAT DAY - Okay that is nice and I don't mind that because AWWW THAT'S SO FRIENDLY OF YOU!

BUT  dearly beloved BB USERS, STOP abusing the broadcast message.

SO, What type of person am I when it comes to my BlackBerry Messenger. Well, if you add my bbpin and you don't say hi first, DON'T expect that you'll see me in your contact list in 3 days especially when I don't know you. (I give you ONLY 3 days) because I'll delete you.

AND I hate people giving other people my bbpin and have no reasons on why do they want my bbpin? If you wanna be friends, okay lets be friends. But you end up being a troll. YOUR DELETED.



Friday, May 11, 2012


This blog post goes to all mothers around the world as tomorrow is Mother's Day! Actually my mom gave me this idea to actually blog about Mother's Day because she's been noticing me lazing around and she came up to me and said "Hey Rayhan, why don't you blog about mother's day?". I felt that was a great idea and I should really blog about it! Plus, she reads my blog. Explains my PG13 type of blog posts (sometimes) - but that is only ONE of the reasons why. - I like to have readers of all ages.

Its that time again where buffet dinners are packed and reserved for mini celebrations with the family and relatives everywhere and all the kinds of presents and gift ideas all over the stores, internet and magazines. Sales in the malls, beautiful bouquet of flowers with choices FRESH and READY to be bought. Colorful balloons and wishing cards. ANYTHING to show love for your mother.

They deserve it. All mothers deserve a day specially made for them. Women were born to be miracle workers and so they are, as mothers. Being a mother is a tough job, its hard but a never ending love that we could have from them. They are the only person on earth who we could say our forever. You know how there isn't such a thing as forever? But as for them, they are our forever. Mothers are our only guiding stars and their hugs are also where home is as well.

We were brought to the world by them. Months and months of carrying us in the stomach. It was challenging for them, hard for them to travel and walk all the time as we grew bigger and bigger. They have to be very cautious. They have to give up on light and junk food for awhile and maintain healthy food for us to be healthy. They couldn't do much but to take good rest and go on check ups off and on.

But the sentimental feeling when they felt our first light kick in their stomach. I don't know how that feels but all mothers say that is one beautiful feeling they had ever felt and sometimes mothers talk to their tummies! How they could not wait for their baby to be born. The male might find it weird and of course, they will NEVER understand.

Definition of MOTHER. A mother is strong. A mother is beautiful. A mother is a winner at the end of the day. Because being pregnant is a beautiful experience for them. Okay, maybe not exactly? THE LABOUR is OF COURSE a painful journey. Oh, the tears and the pain in their spine and their endless scream would make their husbands faint and just died for awhile.

According to my mom she wasn't that hurt when she had me. In fact, she was really glad about it. She quoted "when I gave birth to you, its like as if you just walked out and say I can go out myself thank you very much". I was like a race car. I just came out so fast!

I am glad that I have a mother, she gave the world to me. Though we argue and we had bad times but that's just another time when we must be strong together. The patience we have for each other. She went through everything just to have me and she raised me (AND
NOT TO FORGET MY SIBLINGS).  According to myself, I think I am the best child in the world. Like I don't mean to brag but I really am!

Most of the people in this world don't have mothers, most of us don't have caring mothers as well, mothers who neglect their own children and most of all, mothers who decides to give their children away. I'm upset to know that some kids don't get goodnight kisses or bed time stories or even an I Love You from their mothers. I really couldn't bear feeling how they are feeling, and knowing that its mothers day. I guess its just another ordinary day for them and they had no choice but to chin up but to remind themselves that they will never do the same to their own children in future.

Some babies were never born because some mothers who are suppose to be mothers decided to not deliver them. I'm talking about the women/girls who did abortion. I am never a supporter for abortion because it breaks my heart to kill something that was suppose to be a gift to them. A special gift with big responsibility and they just let it go.

There's just so many different types of mothers in the world. But I could say, mine is just amazing as she is. So, okay. My mother. I don't really talk much about my parents here because my blog is all about me but to tell you a summary of my mother, for 19 years of my life (ALMOST 19) I have a mother who is headstrong, crazy, weird, funny, inspiring, bold, and just beyond words I couldn't explain how amazing my mother is. She was a beautiful girl, STILL is. - And vain at times. Sometimes I get mad and upset around her but I guess that's something healthy because, duh? Its a mother and daughter thing? I admire my mom a lot. Besides Kimora Lee *smirks*.

My mom is not like other moms. In fact, my mom is the kind of woman in this world who loves FOOTBALL. I hate the fact that she supports Manchester United. Her favorite player is Ryan Giggs. AND don't get me started with her favorite actor. She would brag and brag of how angel looking Keanu Reeves is. - Though, I like the movie The Lake House. Can't argue with that. My mom has great taste in music, like really. From Rock to Soul and more Rock and more Dance Songs. My mom was like a cool hippie when she was a teenager and an adult you know? Like those rebel Pat Benatar kind of girls.

How cool is that? Basically she has more better fashion sense than I do back then. All her music taste and knowledge just gain a lot to me and she's like a kid sometimes! She could eat more potato chips than I do. Oh, and she totally head bang on MCR's concert LIVE in Malaysia and she would love to see One Republic LIVE.

That's my mother. She is amazing the way she is and I love her form the bottom of my heart. N this blog post goes to her. As a mother's day present (because I didn't actually prepare anything for her tomorrow but its okay! There's always her birthday!)


Some people think your bad, Some people think your naive, Some people think you don't deserve a thing in the world. But you are always a special person who deserves everything in the world in our mother's eyes.




Everybody has been asking me did I quit blogging after the whole drama of my weight loss story.


I most certainly did not. I'm still around just that there's silence in here again. No reason, I was busy with other writings and stuff. I decided  to write a book, you know? Will you all read it when its done? Trust me, it took a lot of my time and I feel positive about it. Hopefully its a good outcome in the end. AND its not just another ordinary "LOVE STORY Boo Hooo Hooo Huuuu Haa"  kind of book. Its more interesting than just another boy-falls-in-love-with-this-girl-then-she-got-shot-dead-in-the-end.

Tumblr_m3s00ev7io1qeh8rvo1_500_largeI feel, well I'm feeling good actually. Good seems to be a word I don't often use much but I can say now that I'm good. Really good. In fact, I feel fine after a lot of volunteer work. Helping out a lot of people. Learning new things. FOR no benefits, just being nice and maybe getting a bit of experience here and there.

Still there's always something missing in me. I don't know, but I have yet to know? I have mix feelings all the time but it is definitely not mood swings. I don't have mood swings. I just have feelings like a rainbow. Some say its good and mostly some say its bad because its confusing. Now, how is that confusing? I'm just finding myself. Reinventing my life all the time. Because I believe to not stick to one thing. I like multitasking and improvising. If I don't like something I don't leave it be, I change it and make it good as new.

MOST OLD people would say,

I'm still young. - HONESTLY I hate that fact, because young and naive is my enemy. I'm may be young but I am not as confuse as you think I am? I don't like older/wiser people telling me I'm still young. Yea, okay. I'm not offended, I just get mad that they would just put a point where your young and you don't know anything yet. OKAY. I'm young but so were you before. Like as if you were born old and smart.

Old people seem to piss me off sometimes. Not to disrespect them OR anything but I met a lot of nice older people and they give good advice. BUT NOTHING THAT INVOLVES A STATEMENT WHERE
"Oh, your young, you'll learn someday". - Uhhh okay? Is that how you're going to tell us and end a conversation? Most old people who say this to me are really emotionally disturbed people.

My apologies, BUT don't get too offended, yes? Do I even have old people reading my blog? IF I DO and IF YOU THINK YOU'RE A NICE WISE PERSON. Then this is not a blog post for you. But if you feel offended and you find me a really bad person to make a statement for older people. Then yes, THIS IS FOR YOU ^_^ because you're offended! If you don't feel offended then, HAHA you get my point!

Unlike my parents, because there is always a lesson to learn by ourselves (myself and the siblings) NEVER have they say "You are young, you will know what its like someday". Because my parents are mostly STRAIGHT to the point kind of people. They rather sting you with words than to actually make you fall on the big mud and feel bad about it. Which is good because I'd prefer to get a warning than to actually feel like a total loser in the end. I get the hang of it.

Tumblr_m3gb3swyh21qckzluo1_500_largeI'm just saying, NOT ALL old people are right. Some are as confuse as us as well. True Story AND FACT. Just that they are older and we can't debate much with them or else we might just be a very bad kid or a disrespectful person to the elderly.

Okay, jokes on me and many more people who agree in this. BUT I always give the elderly some respect and good gratitude for them. AND as for the elderly, you have to be good leaders for us to admire and follow. AND if you're wrong, its alright. We all made mistakes. It is proven that most old people wouldn't like to be corrected and they use "OLD" as the advantage to not feel bad AND you expect us to agree with that! There's nothing wrong with pointing out something that is wrong, MADE by an old wise person. - STOP being so emotional, old people enjoy making us feel bad and for once we are trying to be right.

I don't hate them, they just piss me off sometimes and I do agree we should have good healthy bonding with the elderly people. REALLY, I do AND to that I have to learn to accept how people are.

Thanks for the tremendous comments and wishes. I really didn't know I would have kind words from everyone in here. I appreciate it very much! Have an AMAZING MAY EVERYONE!

Plus, this coming Saturday is Mother's Day. 
