I most certainly did not. I'm still around just that there's silence in here again. No reason, I was busy with other writings and stuff. I decided to write a book, you know? Will you all read it when its done? Trust me, it took a lot of my time and I feel positive about it. Hopefully its a good outcome in the end. AND its not just another ordinary "LOVE STORY Boo Hooo Hooo Huuuu Haa" kind of book. Its more interesting than just another boy-falls-in-love-with-this-girl-then-she-got-shot-dead-in-the-end.

Still there's always something missing in me. I don't know, but I have yet to know? I have mix feelings all the time but it is definitely not mood swings. I don't have mood swings. I just have feelings like a rainbow. Some say its good and mostly some say its bad because its confusing. Now, how is that confusing? I'm just finding myself. Reinventing my life all the time. Because I believe to not stick to one thing. I like multitasking and improvising. If I don't like something I don't leave it be, I change it and make it good as new.
MOST OLD people would say,
I'm still young. - HONESTLY I hate that fact, because young and naive is my enemy. I'm may be young but I am not as confuse as you think I am? I don't like older/wiser people telling me I'm still young. Yea, okay. I'm not offended, I just get mad that they would just put a point where your young and you don't know anything yet. OKAY. I'm young but so were you before. Like as if you were born old and smart.
Old people seem to piss me off sometimes. Not to disrespect them OR anything but I met a lot of nice older people and they give good advice. BUT NOTHING THAT INVOLVES A STATEMENT WHERE
"Oh, your young, you'll learn someday". - Uhhh okay? Is that how you're going to tell us and end a conversation? Most old people who say this to me are really emotionally disturbed people.
My apologies, BUT don't get too offended, yes? Do I even have old people reading my blog? IF I DO and IF YOU THINK YOU'RE A NICE WISE PERSON. Then this is not a blog post for you. But if you feel offended and you find me a really bad person to make a statement for older people. Then yes, THIS IS FOR YOU ^_^ because you're offended! If you don't feel offended then, HAHA you get my point!
Unlike my parents, because there is always a lesson to learn by ourselves (myself and the siblings) NEVER have they say "You are young, you will know what its like someday". Because my parents are mostly STRAIGHT to the point kind of people. They rather sting you with words than to actually make you fall on the big mud and feel bad about it. Which is good because I'd prefer to get a warning than to actually feel like a total loser in the end. I get the hang of it.

Okay, jokes on me and many more people who agree in this. BUT I always give the elderly some respect and good gratitude for them. AND as for the elderly, you have to be good leaders for us to admire and follow. AND if you're wrong, its alright. We all made mistakes. It is proven that most old people wouldn't like to be corrected and they use "OLD" as the advantage to not feel bad AND you expect us to agree with that! There's nothing wrong with pointing out something that is wrong, MADE by an old wise person. - STOP being so emotional, old people enjoy making us feel bad and for once we are trying to be right.
I don't hate them, they just piss me off sometimes and I do agree we should have good healthy bonding with the elderly people. REALLY, I do AND to that I have to learn to accept how people are.
Thanks for the tremendous comments and wishes. I really didn't know I would have kind words from everyone in here. I appreciate it very much! Have an AMAZING MAY EVERYONE!
Plus, this coming Saturday is Mother's Day.
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