I am JaszyRay

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Sunday, November 20, 2011


302117_314983325195596_160754063951857_1347754_249840616_n_largeWhat a beautiful Sunday and so I thought of blogging today and I realize I have 3 drafts. 3 DRAFTS!

A post about Kim K's wedding - FAIL TO POST.
A post about 11.11.11 - FAIL TO POST.
A post request from an anonymous person - FAIL TO POST.

That's 3 red flags right there and well, that's not good. I'm just so lazy to update nowadays. But don't worry. I'll be updating one now *writing* *writing*.

I HAVE BEEN MISSING IN ACTION AGAIN. Okay, I'm not gonna say I was busy because that's just another excuse. I guess why I haven't been blogging much (AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN) is because I don't have anymore interesting things to write about anymore. Sad to say that I'm no longer a writer. BUT that doesn't mean I'll be quitting on writing. I just need to get back on my "mojo". Okay truth is, I don't feel inspired to write. Why? Because I don't know. It just stops and I wish I could just continue. I know that I have a lot to talk about.

Tumblr_lux5z4rxvu1r666jco1_500_largeSo what have I been doing in life, PHOTOGRAPHY! God have I improved so much. I've been taking it seriously for a year now and I would love to be a pro at it. Other than that, WELL for starters I'm not giving up on my hopes and believes. Because I've been in situations where I broke down and cry and I get back up again with a smile. Its tough but its worth it. I'm not giving up on anything for myself now. Its good to be selfish at times. Plus if you be selfish in a good way, you will see who your real friends are, because if they can't cope up with you then they just don't get the picture. I am completely focus. AND I love how every morning I wake up with a smile on my face, again. I thank god for giving me another chance to start my day. I start being appreciative now and I improvise with the things that I don't like to the things I like. Most of the times now, I'm happy. I learn to do whats right. That's right. I'm back on my track.

I thought 2011 was really bad for me and I wish it would just end so I could start a new year but its not over yet and there is still time to prove to myself that there is something good about this year. Though, there's nothing much for me and as I mentioned in my previous posts, I don't like October. Its the most saddest month. I guess I realize now, the things I do are the things I get in the end. I made mistakes but I have a chance, and I'm not going to waste this chance. I'm not going to sit down and complain how the world is such a big fat bitch to me. NOT anymore. Its either I don't do anything or do something about it. I chose to stand up and do something about it. I'm not going to tell myself "I'll start fresh again next year" instead I'm going to tell myself "I'm gonna start fresh NOW". - AND I'm doing it gracefully :)

Because people who delay just wants attentions that their not going to get. - Bob Marley.

On the positive side, I learned to spend more time with my parents. That's pretty good because I've never had that for the past 4 years. I'm always with my siblings and I love them so much. I guess if I don't try I wont know if there is still hope. (see that's why I believe in hope so much). I'm still just another ordinary teen, I still argue and give up on them but I don't mean it. I blab too much don't I?


I haven't witness a miracle yet, are you my miracle? I like.. Your eyes, Your laugh and the way you make me blush. But I don't even know your name, were you just there for me at glance. Nothing else?

Jasmin Rayhan

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