Dont worry, this is not gonna be insulting or bad...
Or at least I hope that it wouldn't change what you think of me.
But I promise this would be something a little different.
There's so many blog post about HOW BAD smoking is and
HOW MUCH people still wouldn't care about it.
I don't have a problem with smokers BUT they can really be self centered at times and
especially people like my parents - since their smokers.
Its funny, smokers get offended really fast and easily pist when some people, as in the non smokers would talk about how bad smoking is and adding on more of their so called "advice".Yes, some people do care.
We don't mean to offend you and basically I'm the type that doesn't offend people when it comes to smoking. At least I'm trying not too.
Question, do smokers actually care about not smoking in front of others who are non smokers?
Some would say yes, some would probably say no. But majority, I'm pretty sure its a BIG NO.
Well, thats not very nice to do. Most of us are alright with it but that doesn't mean you can just smoke infront of us and we have to breathe in your exhale all the time.
Lets just say, its RUDE.
I do know a lot of people who smokes, some actually cares but some are still stubborn and the reason I said self centered is because
whenever I ask them to not smoke on my direction, they answered back with answers like
GO SIT AT SOME PLACE ELSE. With that pist off tone and expression.
Relax, I just said don't smoke at my direction when theres so many direction for you to smoke.
*face palm*.
The most that I hate are attitude problem smokers.First of all, I don't blame you for smoking cuz its your money that your paying for that pack of cigarette (Right?) but stll that doesn't mean that you dont have to care of others who actually can't stand the smoke.
Thats why restaurants have smoking and non smoking areas.
I understand 2 things.
A few percent of people would say they smoke cuz their addicted and its fun.
Another percent of people would say they smoke due to stress.
The point is if you want smoke, sure go ahead but be considerate at least thats all.
-Jasmin Rayhan-
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