You know that movie called Freaky Friday starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan?
A story about a mom and a daughter that doesn't seem to have a good mother daughter relationship and both of them don't seem to understand one another and then they switched bodies because of that Chinese Lady that gave them the fortune cookie.
The good old days when Lindsay Lohan was just as innocent as ever. Sad to see her now.
Movies like this have moral values and I think what the movie is trying to tell us is that to settle a difference we have to communicate and understand each other first. The switching bodies just makes the movie look more interesting, instead of imagining yourself in someone else's shoe.
So my mom told me, well she actually dared me to write a blog post about her (she just got herself a new blog) and putting the blog title as MY CRAZY MOTHER WHO DRIVES ME CRAZY. Firstly, we all have different types of mothers, I just happen to have a crazy one. - QUOTED BY HER.
Everybody have different types of mothers, you just happen to have a crazy one - Mom.
I gotta admit that what my mom said is true. Well I'm on the Edge of 17 and I really just can't seem to understand what my mom wants from me sometimes. N whats worst is that whenever there's a huge situation, it always starts with an argument and ends with "You don't understand me at all".
Leaves my mom and I annoyed with each other.
Lets go back to communication, its the key to understand one another right? Well yea that's what I'm lack of sometimes. Bonding doesn't help much when there's no communication and to tell you the truth I'm NOT a rebel kid but I can be really rude at times. Its the limits people, which leads me complaining like any other ordinary girl would do. N its the only way for them to listen (if your lucky that is)
plus girls tend to talk more than guys. So let us talk! *sniff*.
Lets go back to communication, its the key to understand one another right? Well yea that's what I'm lack of sometimes. Bonding doesn't help much when there's no communication and to tell you the truth I'm NOT a rebel kid but I can be really rude at times. Its the limits people, which leads me complaining like any other ordinary girl would do. N its the only way for them to listen (if your lucky that is)
plus girls tend to talk more than guys. So let us talk! *sniff*.
My mom is not an ordinary mom, she's not a housewife either but I use to know her as my hero, someone who is headstrong and bold for herself and was never afraid of the future - Or so I thought. Things change and I understand what my mom went through and whats she's going through now. She got a lot of ups and downs. Times are tough for her and I'm always there to catch her when she falls but sometimes the things I do just seems never enough or satisfying for her.
Typical isn't it? How many of you are going through the same thing as I do now? I let myself clueless and all I can do is just sit and be patient.
Typical isn't it? How many of you are going through the same thing as I do now? I let myself clueless and all I can do is just sit and be patient.
I'm not sure if I have readers who are mothers in my blog but that would be cool to know. I just feel like asking each and everyone of the mothers why is it that all of you have to use "You don't understand me" in every single conversation.
Okay we use that in relationships too and living our boyfriends clueless but that's a whole different thing cuz there's always a kiss and make up when it comes to the boy-girl relationship.
Well as some of us would say, its not really nice to know that mothers think that were not trying. In my part, I tried and I give up and whats worst is that there's no trust. Which brings us the TRUST section and believe me, my parents are strict but sometimes I think they don't know what their doing. - I have weird parents. There are some parts where their wrong but you know, they wouldn't want to admit it - Its cuz their "older". See it all ends with age. RESPECT the ELDERLY. What an advantage, imagine life without age, everybody would want to be the boss.
If I ever have a kid of my own, well I can't tell the future and I think its weird to think about marriage and kids now but just as an example, I would rather just talk things out. Well its easy to say it now to some of you elderly parents would think but I've seen other parents and their kids and they seem alright together. I use to have that but I don't have it anymore. Its personal but I got to put my head up high for it.
KIDS. They wont learn till their TEENAGERS. They are ignorant till they decide to change.
I'm just saying, wouldn't it be better? My mom doesn't trust me and at the rate I'm going through, its getting tough and pretty annoying. Mom was a girl before isn't it? I'm sure she gives trouble to my grandma (yes, my mom was a rebel kid according to my grandma).
Well I know what she's trying to do, I know. She doesn't want me to end up like her and make the same mistakes. Same goes to all the other mothers in the world. They love their kids and they want the best for them and sometimes they get too obsessed until they start to crack and BOOM!
But face it, its our turn now, to make mistakes (well not the same mistakes as them) that's what teenagers should do, make mistakes (not on purpose) and when were wrong just talk to us. We need you in the end of the day. Like a baby bird that wants to fly so much and when it tries to fly alone the baby bird fell and that's when the mommy bird comes.
I've seen books, articles and talk shows about a woman talking about how kids/teens never understand what a mother has to go through. But hey, it might be our fault at times but its your fault too - at times as well.
I love my mom, I do. Just that sometimes I don't get her and I don't see me doing anything wrong anymore what what I've been through for the past 4 years. It was a tough road for my mom and my siblings and I. But everyday is a new a day and I can always put on my ear plugs when she goes grenade bomb all over me -HAHA I'm kidding. :)
How is your mom like?
Okay we use that in relationships too and living our boyfriends clueless but that's a whole different thing cuz there's always a kiss and make up when it comes to the boy-girl relationship.
Well as some of us would say, its not really nice to know that mothers think that were not trying. In my part, I tried and I give up and whats worst is that there's no trust. Which brings us the TRUST section and believe me, my parents are strict but sometimes I think they don't know what their doing. - I have weird parents. There are some parts where their wrong but you know, they wouldn't want to admit it - Its cuz their "older". See it all ends with age. RESPECT the ELDERLY. What an advantage, imagine life without age, everybody would want to be the boss.
If I ever have a kid of my own, well I can't tell the future and I think its weird to think about marriage and kids now but just as an example, I would rather just talk things out. Well its easy to say it now to some of you elderly parents would think but I've seen other parents and their kids and they seem alright together. I use to have that but I don't have it anymore. Its personal but I got to put my head up high for it.
KIDS. They wont learn till their TEENAGERS. They are ignorant till they decide to change.
I'm just saying, wouldn't it be better? My mom doesn't trust me and at the rate I'm going through, its getting tough and pretty annoying. Mom was a girl before isn't it? I'm sure she gives trouble to my grandma (yes, my mom was a rebel kid according to my grandma).
Well I know what she's trying to do, I know. She doesn't want me to end up like her and make the same mistakes. Same goes to all the other mothers in the world. They love their kids and they want the best for them and sometimes they get too obsessed until they start to crack and BOOM!
But face it, its our turn now, to make mistakes (well not the same mistakes as them) that's what teenagers should do, make mistakes (not on purpose) and when were wrong just talk to us. We need you in the end of the day. Like a baby bird that wants to fly so much and when it tries to fly alone the baby bird fell and that's when the mommy bird comes.
I've seen books, articles and talk shows about a woman talking about how kids/teens never understand what a mother has to go through. But hey, it might be our fault at times but its your fault too - at times as well.
I love my mom, I do. Just that sometimes I don't get her and I don't see me doing anything wrong anymore what what I've been through for the past 4 years. It was a tough road for my mom and my siblings and I. But everyday is a new a day and I can always put on my ear plugs when she goes grenade bomb all over me -HAHA I'm kidding. :)
How is your mom like?
-Jasmin Rayhan-
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