Do we still serve for justice?
Or at least making things better for each and everyone of us nowadays?
Must it always end up with hatred and revenge?
Why no love anymore?
I know right, you would be thinking
"this is bullshit".
Sometimes, I just feel so disappointed with humanity these days, especially the shallow ones.
Oh you know what I mean, the ones who doesn't actually think before they speak and it disappoint me so much because it is always ending up with hating each other and thinking that their better than one another.
Its so endless. I mean, give it a rest already.
Theres many more better things to do and to think about.
Unless your REALLY that shallow and competitive.
If your so competitive, at least compete with the ones who are worth to be compete with.
Its no point winning all the time, loosing makes you learn more.
I'm facing shits, so I might be talking shits as well but at least for what I think.
I realize that a fair game play doesn't exist anymore or at least no biasness would be nice.
If its so hard then why follow your ego?
Nobody is perfect and we have the right to actually stand up for something. Right?
Well theres bias everywhere now and that is a huge mess up.
Everybody are screw ups at the end of the day. Hahaa kidding. - See I'm talking shits.
Because the world has gone for greed and much more unpleasant things.
It seems that being good is bad and whatever you do is never enough or maybe you've been cheated on.
But that doesn't mean we cant stop it.
Why not use our moral values and filling up our satisfactions by doing some good deeds?
Its better that way. Because people will like you and when people like you
Think about it.
-Jasmin Rayhan-
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