As you all know, I love kids. Who doesn't? Well if you don't,
Its really a joy when you see kids smile, I feel great working with kids.
I like listening to them and how they think having so much fun is important.
It makes my day and I'm happy for that.
I have a nice childhood, a very beautiful one and
I remembered how Christina Aguilera always makes me feel pretty.
That everything is gonna be alright. Because you don't tend to think about anything so much.
The most important thing is you.
KIDS are the new faces of the world, well at least I think so.
I don't need disagreements on that either. I just feel its true.
Yea I know, I'M SORRY.
Its been a long, well I wouldn't say a decade time since I've updated.
I'm back to blogging. FOR REAL.
Because this blog deserves the attention.
I still do have many request on certain blog posts ideas. Thank you I appreciate it.
I'm just too lazy before and now I would want to change and make sure that I respond back to your requests and maybe MUCH more of the little notes and quotes
on which I think its inspiring and maybe writing stories here too.
I love writing. I love reading. I still do, and I will always do.
There's just so many things all of the sudden and I do wish to blog about everything
but I wouldn't wanna be drama, well I was acting drama and after what I did, I realize that I was feeling selfish for myself and I was self centered of some certain things that I'm not satisfied about. We just gotta know that we don't always get what we want. I guess I forgot about how blessed and grateful I am to have everything and I feel that to repay what I did. I should make a fresh new start.
I've been so passionate these days. I've been helpful and I've been sacrificing a lot of my time for someone who is well to say, a part of my family. First off, I feel that the only way to live a good life is to do something nice for someone and that someone would do something nice for you back.
No matter how big or small the token is. Appreciate it, or else you just wont feel good.
I feel like as if there are a million of emoticons in me now.
I'm just so happy. Well, its good to be happy.
- Jasmin Rayhan -
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