My book of life seems a bit messy this few months and again I could not complain because life is not a bed of roses, that is what mother always have to say and yes I do agree. I don't have a clear head to actually open up my blog and start writing. I'm not that active and a joyful person anymore, I don't know why and I seem to see the world in a whole new different perspectives now. Not that its bad or anything and at the same time I don't feel wiser either. PLUS Its not really nice to actually sit and write with a lot of messed up things in your mind. Trust me, I've tried. I kept putting all my blog posts in drafts.
Well I am here now, typing. Getting back to my blogging mood again. Before I change my mind and just waste my time 9gagging. - That's what we kids do these days!! Some parents like example, my parents, they should be lucky that I'm addicted to the internet instead of being addicted to drugs and all those other horrible things. So what is up with me. Being utterly awkward as usual.

I start to not take my life TOO seriously nowadays, I'm not slacking and NO I'm not living YOUNG, WILD AND FREE. - I hate that song by the way.
I just couldn't really bother much with what expectations have to deliver to me that I could not pursuit. The things I do is never good enough but who cares, if I find myself okay with it, so be it. Sometimes, I go to work with my hair looking like Pat Benatar and people thought I just woke up from bed and yea, whatever comments they have. Basically I have been more of an "eye" lately. I have been looking and having different points of view.
I've been attached. Really attached, NOT with a boy but maybe someday I will be very fond with a boy (well the last boy I was very fond with, I guess you could say there's no chemistry between us. Its so sad but if its meant to be, its meant to be, but I actually like this guy a lot). Anyways, I've been attached with kids actually. Their my source to hope and inspiration and not to mention they are very fun to be with. I just see them playing games and I talk to them, mostly I just want to know all about them. I wanna know what's inside their heads, what are they thinking, what do they want. What what what.
Its funny, I felt really funny because the things they do, were not the things I used to do before. The game, ANGRY BIRDS. That game is like DRUGS to them and to my honesty I don't like that game. Also, the way they fashion themselves and the kind of music they listen too. Majority, people say kids are no longer KIDS. They don't act like one and why is it that were blaming this kids for NOT being kids? I often ask this people why do they complain. Most of them are actually older people. People who are no longer taking charge of the generation.

AND a friend of mine, gave this statement :
So imagine this, handphones, smartphones or whatever. In the 90's we used to have this NOKIA (or any other NOKIA phone, the first ever phone you have basically!) and when were kids (I am referring to the 90's babies) we were so excited to have a phone. So its not a blackberry, or an Iphone but damn it we have a phone!! We get so excited and we start calling our friends and say "hey I got a phone! Lets do this thing called, SMS". But when I give a simple phone to a kid, they refuse to even touch it, I don't know why but I guess they wanted a better phone?
-------------- That was one of the statements brought to example. As I think, its not that their being non appreciative. They were brought to think that way. Society got them thinking to have something better than another thing because its just better that way. Basically, We live in technology now and pretty soon maybe nobody is going to read a book anymore. That is sad because I find reading a wonderful a thing to do. Its the most beautiful hobby ever. EVERYTHING around us is technology. Accepting the fact the world is changing. THE WORLD IS ALWAYS CHANGING. But question is, must we change?
I come across this blog or maybe a project and its called MANAGING AND UNDERSTANDING GENERATION Y - Something like that, it didn't pull my attention because the title was dead boring but when I heard it is about our generation, meaning generation NOW, well I just want to know what they have to say about us.
I understand people in the 50's and 60's. They were born with awesome music, great people and mostly their generation seems to be tough but easier because life wasn't so bad as now. Society changed us to think differently and we have to be more educated. Life now is really tip top. But I do have to admit, life back then was great, hell of a great and they might not have what we have now but you know, they just know how to live their life even though there were more burdens before.

I don't understand why people, the older generations and maybe us as well complaining about this. So the answer to my question, The world is changing but must we change as well? YES WE DO. We all are changing but were not changing for the better. Do you realize? Do any of you realize? KIDS are thought differently now and what were doing is what they see and do in the end as well. The bad thing is, I see kids these days, they seem to not socialize. I guess with everything they have, they also forgot to be polite and they don't seem to respect the elderly as well. How do we make things better when in future were not going to be nice to each other, and we complain more?
I think kids are kids and we don't blame them for being demanding, well there must be a reason why their demanding, its because were giving them too much and sometimes its not because to make them feel complete but because were busy with ourselves, the world is changing and its getting tougher and sometimes, we forgot to be nice. AND that is not nice at all.
To be a great leader to the younger generations we must be great leaders to ourselves. We need to cherish moral values and to earn respect we have to prove to others that we deserve respect. If we don't do this, the younger generation would be thought the wrong way and everything is just going to be worst. LIFE is short but don't you think it will be better if all of us stop complaining about how kids are not being kids and start guiding them in the right way? SO BE IT when you see them having awesome gadgets or better things and maybe playing different games and whatever that are different between you and them. Generation X and Generation Y.
I say, guide them to be nice and polite and actually teach them to socialize more. I think that's just about enough and besides, they WILL grow up.
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