I am JaszyRay

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Monday, October 31, 2011



Point of this post, people judge me, A LOT. I don't get why and what is wrong with them but what's worst is that, the most people who judge me are the people who just know me, by my NAME and PICTURES and I don't even know them! I don't see why judging makes the world a better place and I find it pointless for people giving fake stories and other people believing on the fake stories. As for the people who know me, I'm sure you all know that I am very fond of my words and if you hate me, hate me then because I don't really see the point of this hating on each other thing.

I don't like the idea of ranking people. Comparing people who has more things than anyone or whatever definition it is to be "POPULAR" now. Sexier clothes, More Make Up, Rich and Bitchy with a Princess Attitude and seeing who is more better than who, that's just insecure and your just finding ways to make people be upset. I don't like how the society gives us a name. Group up "types" of people who are meant to be in one certain group and people don't mix because they are different. It makes everyone wonder to themselves saying that their not good enough and hating on each other.

I don't like how money ends up as the number one priority but when reality gives us a huge slap in the face. Money has to be everything. Like the quote, NO money NO talk. I don't put money as my main priority but I do believe money does bring happiness to people. But I feel, happiness should be first. But one thing I know, of all this crap and drama that people is giving to other people. One thing that we all should know is that to be happy.

Be happy for yourself. Because if your not happy and you don't love yourself for who you are, how do you expect people to love or respect you? How do you expect to find, a happy ending?
If you rather live in sadness, don't sucked people into your sorrow. Just because your life is nothing but dull and you see people who wants to change for a better of themselves. Talk about patience with one another.

I know if you want to love someone you got to know that you have to accept the term "commitment". Other than loving her/him for who he/she is and how their flaws are whatever they are and bla bla bla. Funny, people say that I am selfish that's why I don't deserve LOVE and I am always so self centered to myself that's why I don't have a Prince Charming in my life. I find those people who told me that is stupid, people who always follow their "heart" and got themselves hurt and their best friends are tears and tissue boxes.
They forgot to ask brain for logic. They don't give brain chance to save their insanity.

If you can't accept your on flaw how can you accept your companions flaw. Trust me, I accept my flaws and I always learn my mistakes. N believe it or not I'm growing up gracefully. I just think why must I be so upset of something where my mission to have a better life is being happy? Problem is if you don't accept your flaw, it is of course you can't accept your companion's flaw, which everything will end up as a problem. Your not okay with things, you start to compare your love life with other people's love life and you feel you don't understand what went wrong and every step you take is just a darn mistake.

You have no idea why it is a mistake and you feel that your world is tumbling down, well the reason why every step you take is a mistake because you expect too much and you overthink and you think you could get everything without trying to earn it. You think its easy, Well its not and having "THE TALK" is pointless. If your not patient then your just that selfish of not seeing the other choices in life. The choices where even though its coming along slow at least both is still happy to atleast wait for each other.

Enjoy Your Life (;

Because if LOVE is so beautiful like how it is explain in books or movies or whatever, things will come naturally and understanding one another will bound to happen nicely if you dont think too much except thinking to be happy for the term  "US". You think you want the talk but actually you don't even know what "THE TALK" should be like or how it would end up. Nobody is right but when you start a huge drama that is when one of them gives up.
Point is, I am who I am. I'm a girl with not much of a time and not having to touch the world in my finger tips yet and getting the glimpse of what freedom is in life. I grow up according to my age and I don't rush time because I know I will have as much time I want when I earn that prize. That is my mission now and I'm slowly getting there step by step. If a person can't wait for me to have that special moment for my own. He is not the one. He is not worth it.


Funny how songs would always say, touch the world, be against it and be happy.
When the right time comes, it comes and it is all worth the wait.

But if a guy is upset because he feels that there's something wrong with the relationship, until accusing that hey, maybe there's someone else in her/his life.
Well, if your that paranoid might as well leave.
Remember the past, give it a little glimpse, ask yourself.
MAYBE. IT'S. KARMA. Or maybe your just that hopeless.

Jasmin Rayhan

Saturday, October 29, 2011



Oh my cheezels its been a month since I updated my blog. WAS time really that fast on me?! The last time I updated was when I blogged about JEANS!
I love fashion. I love, Jeans. I hope you readers love that blog post.
 Shows how much I'm a passion for fashion.

Its been a month and there's not much post (ZERO post) for this month, October.
Why was I missing in action. ( M.I.A. )

FIRST and MAIN reason. I was busy, really I was and also I didn't have time to find something interesting to write about in my blog. But mostly I was busy, with life and being on an emotional ride. I have some problems and I was figuring things out here and there. It hasn't been a good month for me but I'm still capable with things. I'm still feeling down and maybe I should blog about something tonight.

AND then there was this Anonymous Formspring who suggested me to write about my life.

One thing about my life, I'm a very happy person, well I wish and maybe not at this time and pretty much I've been on tough and bumpy roads. I'm facing a lot of sadness that I feel unfair, I just feel like I've been trying to make people happy all my life where I just end up hurting myself and hide that away because I want to be happy too and it has always been unfair with life and all I wanted was to witness a miracle this year and so far there's no miracles in my life.


Before I move on, I just want you to know that I don't expect sympathy when you readers reading this, I just want this post to be honest, I guess I should write about my life a little a bit more in this blog since its all about my thoughts, I never wrote about my life before in here.

Firstly, yes I am a happy kid, I'd like to call myself a kid because 18 is a scary number and I hate turning 18. I turned 18 on 3.10.2011, that was by far the worst birthday ever and as much as I love this month, I hate it now. I hate how things are and I can't wait for October to end.

I have always been appreciative and thanking god for giving me another day to be happy again. Sometimes it doesn't work. I'm not being dramatic and I know that life has ups and downs but I just want to know why.

Maybe its because of the people around me, I guess I mix with the wrong people sometimes and sometimes I don't know if maybe I just want to fit in at the same time. But basically about my social life, I love my friends, I have more guy friends than girl friends but things somehow changed us and we have our own life to lead. Its no more 7a.m waking up in the morning gotta be fresh gotta go downstairs - (Okay enough with Rebecca black) I miss school. That was when life is just a beautiful playground and its alright to do a mistakes because we always agree with "LEARNING from OUR mistakes".


Well, its not too late to turn over a new leaf. 2011 hasn't end yet and I still can prove something for myself. All I want to do is chase for one thing. Which is happiness. Because that is what is important. I want to change, because I've been hurt so much this year and I want to change for the better of myself. Everybody say next year is going to be a horrible year, but I can assure that it wont be for me.

Alright. no more emo talks.

I auditioned for TWISTIES SUPERSTARZ 2011. It was a great experience though I wasn't shortlisted but that doesn't stop me from singing. The judges were, alright I guess. I didn't know they can put Jin Hitz FM a judge. Oh well, and I came across many people telling me I look like Selena Gomez. Weird but I guess I do look like her a little, but not through personality. They were a lot of talented people. Met a few people I know and their really nice and cool. Its good to see them. Most of the time I was alone. Maybe I needed to be alone today.

Till next time.