I'm sure that some of you may relate to this post and what I be writing now is about what is really happening to some of us and well, it happen to me before too and I feel that if I don't write about it, I just don't feel right.. So this is an honest post about me and I hope to reach out to those who faced the same thing.
Some of us tend to fit in and not be ourselves around people just so to be accepted and you just want to have a good time like any other person. Facing this problem is normal and at the same time it is just a part of us trying to figure out ourselves more. Were clueless and were asily confuse because were not perfect and I was one of those who really want to be accepted and well of course everybody wants to be accepted and there's nothing wrong about it too because you just don't want to have the feeling to be alone.
To let go of that feeling of being alone, all you got to do is to just be yourself.
Forget about the things that made you stop believing in yourself because its not worth it.
I know right? Easy to say and all but I know, it takes time to some us.
We may have our own problems and some of us don't look forward for a new day just because we lost faith in ourselves and there's no hope for you to have.
So just be yourself. Because being you is the best thing to ever be.
There's no point on fitting in with someone who doesn't care either.
Its nice to have everything sometimes and there are reasons on why sometimes we don't get what we want. You may have a bad day and of course you will have a good day back too.
Its how it is and we just have to be ready for it.
N when someone loves you for who you are, a best friend or a lover, just appreciate it because their the ones who truly knows the real you and accepts you for who you are. :)
-Jasmin Rayhan-
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