So I was working today and a friend of mine showed me a link.
Pretty sure that everyone knows, I think. Its about a dude who killed himself just because his girlfriend wanted a break up and due to a slight of relationship problems. AND just today I was buying lunch for myself and while waiting for my food a couple sat right next to my table. The girl was shouting to her boyfriend
When I mean shout.... I MEAN.. SHOUT..
The fact that how could a men would prefer to lost his life than loosing his girlfriend? Unbelievable.
I understand there is some parts of sympathy in his life but what the heck? ITS DUMB.
Death is never the easy way out, your just being wasteful and brainless.
DON'T think I'm not an understanding person. I am understanding and I'm in a relationship too but I have always hold on to faith so much when things are thick and thin.
Its easier said than to be done but when you hold on to faith I know it will work. Putting ourselves so low and down when it comes to a relationship.
Please.. where is your stand? Do remember that we still are individuals, especially to us all that are in a relationship now. YES. We love our bf's/gf's to bits and we can never let them go but ending it by suicide its just ridiculous. I really lose hope and respect to those people who thinks of suicide without even trying harder or keeping in to faith. As if I don't know how it feels to struggle. Reality check, everyone has hard times and worse times okay. Also to certain people who are now having the "after-break-up" and trying to make your lives miserable , no offence. Get over yourself and wake up.
If the girl/guy don't want you no more then you gotta let it go and stop making a fool out of yourself.
Some girls/guys are nice some girls are mean and if your a special guy/girl and he/she doesn't see it then its his/her freaking lost for being a total ass for leaving you.
Be the better one and let him/her be the drama and sympathy one to peoples eyes.
How far can they go anyway? Childish much.
Also, what happend to the quote,
"Theres more other fishes in the sea" ?
As for the girl shouting to her boyfriend in front of everyone,
I was really shock though that shes not afraid to face shame.
Not to mention her innocent looking boyfriend totally lost his dignity real bad.
How can someone argue in public and scream so loud like a crazy lady to her boyfriend? Poor guy.
I heard the girl said
"You don't spend time with me anymore. Go home and play with your stupid game lah".
"You don't spend time with me anymore. Go home and play with your stupid game lah".
So I think and thought, maybe its because he would prefer to made out with his XBOX 360 and play HALO all night then going out spending time with his girlfriend. OR maybe his game is a much better "GIRLFRIEND" than his real life girlfriend now. Oooh and he maybe even play BLACK OPS!
What else?
Fallout: New Vegas.
Red Dead Redemption.
Tron Evolution.
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit.
Super Meat Power.
Damn I love all this games!! *Cough* anyway.. But why so angry for?
Well thats another thing in statement.
To me, I think a GOOD girlfriend would just sit and watch her boyfriend play while she supports him to win the game. An IDEAL girlfriend would sit with him AND PLAY THE GAME TOGETHER WITH HIM or even BEAT him in some certain games. N your not only gonna be a super sweet girlfriend in the end, your gonna be super sweet AND A SUPER COOL girlfriend . N if you really wanna scold your boyfriend you should really do it at home.. Save the drama and save your face from embarrassment too OR if you don't bother about your dignity as a girl then go ahead and be a tigress in public. Theres even an advantage too if you wanna sound your boyfriend at home. If your so mad and your really out of control you can throw stuff at him and make his injury look like an accident.
Oh I'm joking. As for the boys, PLAN a schedule okay. Or if you really can't just improvise.
Teach your girlfriends your toys.. Cars, video games, whatever. :)
-Jasmin Rayhan-
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-twin- <3
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