My blog, Perfection is Passion is a blog where I could write about anything I can to inspire people.That was my vision when I first decided to blog and it still is my vision and to that I pursuit it through writing.
Writing changes someone's character because writing makes us express ourselves.
I like expressing myself. I like to understand humanity more and to find my purpose in life as well.
I'm still confuse at some point and I do feel a little out of place sometimes - Just another way of saying I still don't know, but I'm searching. It's one of my goals.
We all have different goals, goals that are high to reach when we put it high to get and we work hard for it and we do whatever it takes to get it. Like getting good grades, winning a goal medal or even get married. - That is a goal too. These are the things that makes life interesting. Life should be amazing no matter how tough it is.
I decided to write PRESSURE TO BE PERFECT because I read a beautiful inspiring story about Demi Lovato and I admired how she could handle her pressure to being perfect. (I will always admire her so much) At the same time, I'm seeing everyone that I know are stopping themselves to being perfect just because they have something that they don't like and its pressuring them. We all have problems and there's always a solution to it no matter what. First off, Nobody is PERFECT and life CANNOT be perfect but we just have this feeling that we want to be perfect.
Being Perfect is just a way to be accepted by everyone. - Anonymous.
We always want the best for ourselves and that we always try and try and sometimes too much pressure could make us lose control and having a mental breakdown. Because we want to be accepted. We all want to feel good about ourselves but insecurity hits us back every time.
I have insecurities too and I'm insecure about my skin. I have eczema and I hate how dry and scaly my skin can be. It broke me down and wishing that I never had eczema.
I'm afraid I wont be accepted and I'm afraid I wont be beautiful.

Every girl in this world wants to be beautiful. I'm upset to know that some girls would starve themselves just because they can't accept their weight and appearance. They can't handle those mean words from other people. They have eating disorders because of that and its blocking them to feel perfect by being normal.
Your not perfect because your not that model in the magazine, your not perfect because your not the girl with the perfect everything. Your not perfect because you don't get what you want and mostly your not perfect because you can't accept yourself. All this are bad thoughts and negatives statement to make us stop believing in ourselves and it brings us down. Always remember to never compare ourselves with someone else.
N whats worst is that it makes us depress. Some people can't handle the pressure around them till they decide to end the pressure in the easy yet a bad way, suicide. People who are depress often feels lonely and they just wish someone else is there to understand them. Their not attention seekers. They just needed someone to listen.
I've known some people who are under depression and its not very nice to know that they would cut both their wrists just to release their pain. I use to have suicidal thoughts myself before. I've gone through a lot of bad things in the past and I even cry myself to sleep.
Crying is not always a sign that your weak, sometimes its just that you've been strong for holding your pain for too long and there's a time where you have to let it go. Well I rather cry than to have suicidal thoughts again. I was stupid enough to Google "HOW TO DIE"
- If your a close friend to me, I'm sure you know that I'm a psycho friend.
Whenever I feel insecure now, I just take it as a challenge and that I would learn to overcome it.
I know I can't be perfect but I try to be and its nothing wrong with trying. I believe that I'm different and special the way I am. For start, always be yourself,
You be the judge to yourself and take every hardships a lesson to learn.
If your born with color blindness, born with freckles, born with an un-perfect feature, born with a bad vision that you need to wear glasses etc .
Still do not stop loving yourself. Don't make the small things put you to waste.
Make life the fullest and be happy no matter what.
Do something you love doing, maybe paint your room or play music, sing and dance and anything that makes you happy. If you want to be pretty you need a pretty heart.
Start forgiving your enemies, its alright as long as you move on. Ask that guy you like to go out with you or tell the girl that you have a crush on that you love her.
It doesn't matter what you do, just make life a joyful thing and always look at the brighter side of things.
Believe that there's always a bright side in every darkness.

LOVE is LOUDER than The Pressure to be PERFECT - DEMI LOVATO.
-Jasmin Rayhan-