No more dry skin. I still have eczema though. My only imperfection.

I'm still on my holiday mood. Though its back to work and assignments. Just 4 more months till I finish my I.E. That is I think, so far so good. Back to where I was before. Slowly making my dreams come true. Only happier and more excited to look forward for another day. I just don't want to give up, you know?
Currently listening to Right Here, Right Now by Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron. OMG could you believe it that I was a HSM fan? I know, embarrassing but I grew up from it okay AND that's when I was 13! I ended my love and crazy fan-ish-self for HSM when I was 15. ALRIGHT, 16! Oh god, remembering those times when I was 13. I was just a manga freak back then and I was so shy I would just sit in the corner and read. I still do though, Not the manga freak anymore but I still read. I love reading. As years goes by, I changed.

Okay, I do admit that I hurt a lot of people along the way, people who I loved so much and even a sincere sorry is not good enough. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I've had labels and people calling me names. Unpleasant names. But I accepted those names and come to think of it, none of you were there for me when I was in trouble so why do I have to accept the fact that you can't accept me for who I am. You just needed me when your in trouble and when you don't need me you forget about me till I'm in need of you? N blame me for being attention seeking. I guess your just not meant to be a part in my life.

But I'm not always right as well. I am wrong too. Karma got me back okay. I do make mistakes and I have always admit my mistakes. Learning from it takes time. Sometimes the mistakes that you do just have to see the people you love so much go. Sometimes the most devastating things that happens to you, will teach you the most. KARMA is a bitch but its just another wake up call to me, no matter how heavy KARMA gives you to suffer back and sometimes you cannot see yourself clearly until you see yourself through the eyes of others and I still manage to say sorry. A sincere one. Here's a quote,
How can you be old and wise when your not young and crazy before?
Just give me a chance and I'll give you a chance back too. 2012 wont be bad if you wont make things bad. STOP ANALYZING. Its just another year. Lets make a start of something new. Have hope and lets bring out the best for this year. To those who loves me back, parents, siblings, best friends, my new friends who are oh-so-nice, my loyal readers. Thank you and I love you too :)