THIS IS AN 18 ABOVE BLOG POST. Hah, don't say I didn't warn you.
Alright, this maybe common but I just feel like writing this and besides, its been a long time since I've blog and I should start writing my blog again before I don't have anymore readers. Which means my blog is not dead yet and it will never be dead!
I'm sure this is a best and interesting topic to guys and well it is obvious because PORN is something that every guy watches which is also a natural thing for them too and it makes masturbation more interesting. In a simple way to say, a typical guy doesn't think as much as how we girls think due to their amazing EMPTY BOX.
Fellas, please don't be offended but frankly, you were born with an empty box and it has been psychologically proven and porn makes guys fantasize more. Guys need to be fantasize a lot because it is the only way to make them think and to get out from their empty box.
Even gays have gay porn too, I know that sounds wrong to some of you but it is not much of a different and to me, I don't see any problem in guys watching porn and sadly there are some type of girls who are paranoid with their boyfriends just because they watch porn.
Ooookaaay and the most common things that girls are mad about with the "MAN HOOD" which are Games and Porn. Am I right or am I really right? But why? Its like our hood too but ours is Shopping and Male Models.
Your arguing with your boyfriend just because his watching porn? Cmon, get real.
Just put it this way, GUYS NEED PORN. LEAVE THEM ALONE.
Its like their favorite game like C.O.D but in sexual terms. Its a guy thing so stop bugging your boyfriend to stop watching porn and go watch porn with them. - He will be happy, trust me.
Now I'm not being dirty or disagreeing with all of you girls but please understand that you can't feel insecure when it comes to this matter. Its just PORN. DON'T worry he is not comparing you with those Porn Stars. People like Jenna Haze and Maria Ozawa and Jenna Presley are just their fantasy girls.
Besides, their doing us a favor because in future I'm pretty sure you don't want a boring sex life. Girls, admit that we are sexually active as well. So don't be frustrated at all. We have to know that guys love staring and they will always stare and that includes naked women.
N please don't go all blonde and try your luck on suing Naughty America for this - or other porn companies.
Not to mention, which is most importantly it is not something that you should use to argue and making it a reason to break up. If we want to be an understanding girlfriend to your boyfriend you must deal with this. I must say at least 73% of guys watch porn just for getting ideas on sex - and some are just bored.
Porn is just turning people on with their overly perfect sets of bodies. If you won't allow your boyfriend to watch porn just how exactly he would feel if you just look at those hot shirtless male models in the magazines and go "Oh his hot" and you wont stop drooling. Yea, think again because it is similar even though porn is more explicit and sexual. So I say, Let them watch.
-Jasmin Rayhan-