Life is a climb, but the view is great, and now.. There goes High School.
I'm using the new blog font but I dunno if it looks different or not.
The greatest/craziest/horrible/bad/amazing part in everyone's life.
Sad to say, It doesn't last forever. I suddenly felt the miss now.
Please, don't think I'm being drama. Actually I can be drama anytime I want.
I'm just joking really. I just don't wanna bore you to death.
Right now, I feel like a vodka. Though I never taste it before but vodka is a mix flava.
I feel mix. This happy and sad feeling inside me now.
Finishing school rocks.. Ending the moments sucks.
I guess stepping out of SMKDJ is something that I'll never forget.
Its been fun and great. I love the good old times. It gives me the "awwww" every time.
I don't wish to do it all over again.
As in if I would ever wanna RESTART high school all over again.
I might say that now but I guess when I'm older and stepping foot into the REAL WORLD.
I would super duper miss school much more. Yet a smile on my face
Life's ahead. I'm super excited for prom by the way.
Prom is something that is once in a lifetime. As my mom would put it.
Everybody should go to prom. Its something special.
Also could you believe it is already December!
Not to mention I had a great SPM. It wasn't the stress and dying feeling at all.
The 3 weeks makes me wanna look forward for something new every day.
Other than facing papers that is.
I could say 2010 was a nice and grateful year for me.
Learned a lot of lessons, hard lessons but it somehow made me realize the right thing now
(WELL.. Obviously) and I faced many situations too. My situations can actually be better than those Korean dramas that you see okay.. I think.. Lastly not to mention KARMA. I admit it bit me hard in theASS. See how strong my expression is? It was part of a huge struggle for me too, the biggest lesson ever. But I was very lucky in the end. AND without it, I wouldn't be how I am right now. I wish I could say best of both worlds but I don't have two worlds.
To top it off I still had so much fun and a hell lot of beautiful memories this year.
I would never EVER forget about all those moments I've had with ALL of you.
Yea you know who you are. *winks*
Thanks for always being there. Thanks for getting my back and the endless times of fun.
Without all this, I'm just not special, and I like being special.
Thanks to ALL of you AND as we always like to put it
-Jasmin Rayhan-
I'm using the new blog font but I dunno if it looks different or not.
The greatest/craziest/horrible/bad/amazing part in everyone's life.
Sad to say, It doesn't last forever. I suddenly felt the miss now.
Please, don't think I'm being drama. Actually I can be drama anytime I want.
I'm just joking really. I just don't wanna bore you to death.
Right now, I feel like a vodka. Though I never taste it before but vodka is a mix flava.
I feel mix. This happy and sad feeling inside me now.
Finishing school rocks.. Ending the moments sucks.
I guess stepping out of SMKDJ is something that I'll never forget.
Its been fun and great. I love the good old times. It gives me the "awwww" every time.
I don't wish to do it all over again.
As in if I would ever wanna RESTART high school all over again.
I might say that now but I guess when I'm older and stepping foot into the REAL WORLD.
I would super duper miss school much more. Yet a smile on my face
Life's ahead. I'm super excited for prom by the way.
Prom is something that is once in a lifetime. As my mom would put it.
Everybody should go to prom. Its something special.
Also could you believe it is already December!
Not to mention I had a great SPM. It wasn't the stress and dying feeling at all.
The 3 weeks makes me wanna look forward for something new every day.
Other than facing papers that is.
I could say 2010 was a nice and grateful year for me.
Learned a lot of lessons, hard lessons but it somehow made me realize the right thing now
(WELL.. Obviously) and I faced many situations too. My situations can actually be better than those Korean dramas that you see okay.. I think.. Lastly not to mention KARMA. I admit it bit me hard in the
To top it off I still had so much fun and a hell lot of beautiful memories this year.
I would never EVER forget about all those moments I've had with ALL of you.
Yea you know who you are. *winks*
Thanks for always being there. Thanks for getting my back and the endless times of fun.
Without all this, I'm just not special, and I like being special.
Thanks to ALL of you AND as we always like to put it
-Jasmin Rayhan-
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